Dr Matt Cottrell
Clinical Psychologist
B.A., Grad. Dip. (Psych), DPsych (Clinical), MAPS, FCCLP
Dr Matt Cottrell is a Clinical Psychologist working in Melbourne working primarily in the treatment of trauma-related anxiety and depression difficulties. Matt worked in a private hospital setting for 11 years as Senior Clinical Psychologist helping develop outpatient and inpatient programs as well as being the supervisor for post-graduate psychology students from the major Melbourne universities. Matt has worked in private practice for 10 years and co-founded Psychology Associates Melbourne, a psychology consulting practice based in Carlton.
​Clinical Psychological treatment of:
Anxiety disorders
Complex trauma
Personality Disorders
Relationship difficulties
Clinical assessment and diagnostic formulation
Schema therapy focused treatments, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy
Clinical Psychology Medicare rebates available with GP or psychiatrist referral
Clinical supervision for psychologists